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Job Board

Browse open positions from our members and other organizations below.

Want to Serve as an Arbitrator?
The Pierce County Clerk of Superior Court is seeking qualified attorneys to serve as arbitrators in the areas of tort motor vehicle, property damage, and personal injury.
Eligibility Requirements:
• Must be a member of the Washington State Bar Association (WSBA).
• Must have been admitted to the bar for a minimum of 5 years or be a retired judge.
• Must have at least 15% of practice in areas where cases would be assigned.
To become an arbitrator, you must:
• Complete a minimum of 3 WSBA-approved Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits focused on professional and ethical considerations for serving as an arbitrator.
How to Apply: Potential arbitrators can be added to the panel by completing the required training, along with the Arbitrator’s Biography and Oath of Office Form.
Submit the completed form to Kasey Loete at

King County has an open recruitment for Pro Tem Commissioners for ITA and Ex Parte Court. Please review these opportunities at the link below.

Note: The attached rate sheet has all advertising options and pricing. Please contact Gregory at if you have any questions.

Career Ads

Career Opportunities – Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals

         Anyone who has questions or would like additional information may contact our HR office at (360) 753-9639, or Assistant Chief Judge John Ledford at (360) 753-6823 x 1266

Position Announcements:

Industrial Appeals Judge 3 (Hearings Judge)

Industrial Appeals Judge 4 (Review Judge)

About the BIIA: The BIIA is a medium-sized state agency under the administration of three, full-time Board Members. The BIIA is independent from the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) and hears appeals from decisions made by L&I in several areas. The three principal types of appeals are:

  • Industrial insurance (workers’ compensation).
  • Safety citations under the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA).
  • Employer Premiums (Tax Assessment or Classification).

The Hearings Judge presides over conferences and hearings where evidence is presented pursuant to the Rules of Evidence and Superior Court Rules, and issues written decisions resolving appeals filed under the Industrial Insurance Act, Crime Victims Compensation Act, Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act, and other acts as determined by the Legislature.

The Review Judge typically reviews written proposed decisions and orders of Industrial Appeals Judges, applications for claim resolution settlement agreements, and other various motions. The Review Judge then recommends action to the Board members in written memoranda and drafts final orders for signature of the Board. Review Judges may also conduct mediation and settlement conferences and prepare orders on agreement of parties.

Below is the link where a candidate may apply:

The contact for any candidate needing additional information about the position is:

Janelle Gilbert, Office Manager

Skagit County Public Defender’s Office

Ph (360) 416-1650