for Young Lawyers, Lifetime Members, and Judicial Members.
New lawyers, lifetime members, and judicial members qualify for free membership
If you belong to any of these groups, your fees are automatically waived. We still ask you to complete the membership application annually so we can include you in our events and communication.
New Lawyer: Law students and those either in their first 6 years of practice OR under 35 years of age automatically qualify for their first year of membership for free. Please join our Young Lawyers Section so we may introduce you to others new to the field and invite you to events. These members do not have voting status
Lifetime Member: Any regular member who has reached the age of 70 is invited to become a life member. You no longer pay dues but maintain your voting rights.
Judicial Members: If you have been elected or appointed to a judicial position within Snohomish county, or reside within the county while holding a judicial position, you are exempt from paying dues. These members are included in bar polls and judicial evaluations.